Zurück zur Übersicht Samstag, 29.06.2024


17.00 Uhr

Colloquium: Engineering Molecular Systems

Soft x-ray microscopy of single cells

Dr. Venera Weinhardt, Heidelberg University, Centre for Organismal Studies

The structure of a cell is crucial to its identity, function and health. A great deal has been learned about how a cell's structure arises from light and electron microscopy. Yet despite advances of these imaging techniques for volumetric imaging, we still have only a limited ability to observe structural changes of individual whole cells at statistically significant sample sizes. Several groups and labs, including at COS, are attempting to overcome these limitations through the development of a single-cell 3D imaging technique – called soft x-ray tomography – which can examine intact cells without labelling or fixation, at high throughput and spatial resolution. The talk will focus on the recent advances of soft x-ray microscopy for rapid, high-throughput and quantitative imaging of single cells and the effort to combine this modality with cryogenic fluorescence microscopy.



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Flagship-Initiative Engineering Molecular Systems

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Dr. Fania Geiger

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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Colloquium: Engineering Molecular Systems':

Organised by the Flagship Initiative Engineering Molecular Systems, the FI EMS Colloquium presents the different areas of Molecular Systems Engineering. The speakers include external experts and young scientists of Heidelberg University.

Montag, 03. Mai 2021, 17.00 Uhr

Molecular Engineering of Peptide Conjugates for Cardiovascular Therapies

Prof. Dr. Matthew Tirrell, The University of Chicago (USA), Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

Montag, 05. Juli 2021, 17.00 Uhr

Colloquium: Engineering Molecular Systems

Prof. Dr. Christelle Prinz, Lund University, Solid State Physics, Sweden

Montag, 20. September 2021, 17.00 Uhr

Engineering synthetic T cell platforms for cancer immunotherapy

Prof.Dr. Sai Reddy, ETH Zürich , Switzerland

Montag, 11. Oktober 2021, 17.00 Uhr

Printing Functional Soft Materials: Towards Life-like Behaviors

Jun.-Prof. Eva Blasco, Universität Heidelberg, Organisch-chemisches Institut

Montag, 06. Dezember 2021, 17.00 Uhr

Soft x-ray microscopy of single cells

Dr. Venera Weinhardt, Heidelberg University, Centre for Organismal Studies