Zurück zur Übersicht Donnerstag, 28.06.2018


14.00 Uhr

Perspectives on Building a Multilingual Parallel Corpus of Ancient Buddhist Scriptures Based on Machine Learning:

Lecture by Dr. Oliver Hellwig, Düsseldorf University, Philosophische Fakultät and Sebastian Nehrdich, University of Hamburg, Numata Center for Buddhist Studies.

Due to great advances in the field of machine leaarning in the recent years, new opportunities are showing up for the task of building a multilingual parallel corpus of ancient Buddhist scriptures. The talk will consists of two parts: First, Oliver Hellwig will talk about a new machine learning based approach to tackle two of the long-standing problems of Sanskrit digital processing: the splitting of Sandhi and the seperation of compounds. In the second part, based on the results presented by Oliver Hellwig, Sebastian Nehrdich will talk about how multilingual word embeddings can be used in order to align digital Sanskrit texts with their Tibetan counterparts. Since this method is working on a high
level of abstraction, it shows a great potencial to be applied to other languagepairs such as Sanskrit and Buddhist Chinese and Tibetan and Buddhist Chinese.


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