Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 19: Montag, 09.05.2022 bis Sonntag, 15.05.2022
Montag | 14.00 Uhr | In Search of the Source of India's Cultural Unity Swami Baneshananda, President of the Vedanta Gesellschaft, Germany Swami Baneshananda will speak on the deep-rooted sources of India’s cultural unity, and how one may define ‘culture’ using Indian culture as an example. He will highlight the strengths of Indian culture as continuity, openness, humaneness and inwardness, and chart the path to strengthen civilizational unity. Drawing upon the Vedanta tradition, this ‘spirit of India’, he maintains, is an all-inclusive realization of the ‘oneness of life’, at a global level. Recognition and acceptance of the historical fact and beauty of unity in diversity, inculcation of true patriotism, a revival of ethical and core family values, and a strengthening of the civilisation value of acceptance, and not tolerance, of the reality of all religions are shown as the path for India’s cultural unity. Streaming / Video URL Veranstalter SAI, Abteilung Politische Wissenschaft Homepage Veranstalter http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/sai/pol/index.html Kontakt |