Zurück zur Übersicht Freitag, 09.02.2024
Freitag | 09.00 Uhr | Dating the Vedic Corpus - Dr. Oliver Hellwig Manuscriptology and Digital Humanities - Lecture Series - (Co-organized with Otani University Collection Buddhist Manuscript Research Project, Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, Otani University, Kyoto) Dr. Oliver Hellwig In this talk I will discuss what quantitative methods can reveal about the chronology of the Vedic corpus. Starting with a discussion of non-chronological influence factors and methods for detecting them, the presentation moves forward to a Bayesian approach that derives a chronological structural from the development of linguistic features. In addition, I will sketch how recent advances in Natural Language Processing can be applied to this question. Adresse Gebäude 4130 Online Voßstrasse 2 69115 Heidelberg Veranstalter Südasien-Institut Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82660243111?pwd=UkNQQnBuQ05yelJTWGVDMVVTZURUdz09 |