Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 28: Montag, 08.07.2019 bis Sonntag, 14.07.2019


18.00 Uhr

Revisiting Geyi 格義 and Its Relationship with the Sinification of Buddhism

Prof. Dr. WANG Song 王頌, Peking University (China), Philosophy Department


Poster "Revisiting Geyi 格義 and Its Relationship with the Sinification of Buddhism"

The concept of Geyi 格義 and its significance were first highlighted by the distinguished Chinese scholar CHEN Yinque 陳寅恪 (1890-1969) in the 1930s. Since then, this concept has become an important paradigm for the study of early Chinese Buddhism (e.g. the hypothetical construct of "Geyi Buddhism" 格義仏教), and was widely used as a theoretical model of cultural transmission and acculturation. Despite the fact that Geyi is so well known as if it were common sense, scholars of Chinese Buddhism, interestingly, have not yet reached a consensus on some basic issues, such as what Geyi actually means, and how it is applied. There are even fierce disputes over these issues time and again. Introducing the audience to various scholarly opinions and their arguments, this lecture will present the speaker's own points of view on these issues, while bringing the discussion back to its original context by means of a close scrutiny of primary sources.

About the speaker:

WANG Song received his PhD in East Asian Buddhism from the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo. Prior to joining the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Peking University in 2005, he conducted postdoctoral research as Overseas Researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

He has been teaching Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism at Peking University where he is full professor since 2016. He has published three books: A Study on the Thought of the Huayan School in the Song Dynasty (Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2008), Japanese Buddhism: From the Beginning till 20th century (Beijing: Chinese Social Science Academy Press, 2015), and A Critical Annotation and Study on the Huayan Fajie Guanmen 華嚴法界觀門 (Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2016), in addition to numerous papers on East Asian Buddhism in Chinese, Japanese and English. He is currently working on the history and thought of Chinese Huayan School in addition to a reconsideration of the issue of sects in Chinese Buddhism.


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