Back to Events of Friday 05th July 2024


05:15 PM

Health as an Individual and Collective Resource - Changing Socialities during the Lockdown in Berlin 2020

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Alex, Universität Tübingen

With the COVID-19 spread in spring 2020, the everyday lives of most people were changed in ways not foreseen: national borders and public Institutions – schools, universities, kindergardens – were closed, physical contact was regulated through strict curfew rules, restaurants, bars, cultural institutions had to shut their doors, and visits to hospitals and retirement homes were prohibited. All this could only happen in the name of ‘public health’, which depended on the many individual ‘healths’.
In this paper, which is based on a Berlin-based ethnography of the time between March 2020 and October 2020, I analyse how – in the context of the pandemic induced disrupted routines and worldviews - different resources (especially health, well-being, economic security, knowledge, status positions) were redefined and interpreted, negotiated and hierarchised between individuals, collectives and government agencies.




Voßstr. 2

69115 Heidelberg


SAI, Abt. Ethnologie


Lin Nagels

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Medical Anthropology Forum - Sommersemester 2024':

Tuesday 14th May 2024, 05:15 PM

The Healing Traditions of Nomadic Communities in the Thar Desert

Ashwani Sharma (doctoral candidate, Heidelberg University)

Tuesday 11th June 2024, 05:15 PM

Health as an Individual and Collective Resource - Changing Socialities during the Lockdown in Berlin 2020

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Alex, Universität Tübingen

Tuesday 25th June 2024, 05:15 PM

Biotricksters: On Biomedical (Re)Legitimizations of Liminal Substances in Brazil and Europe

Dr. Márcio da Cunha Vilar (Freie Universität Berlin)