Back to Events of Wednesday 04th December 2024
Tuesday | 05:15 PM | Ayurvedic Psychiatry, Medical Pluralism and the Movement for Global Mental Health Prof. Dr. Murphy Halliburton, The City University of New York (USA), Department of Anthropology Driven by the Movement for Global Mental Health, the WHO and the developmentalist impulses of the Indian state, the hegemony of biomedical psychiatry has expanded in India, a place that has long been home to a diversity of therapeutic modalities. This paper responds critically to this trend and examines efforts by ayurvedic practitioners to claim a larger role for ayurveda in public mental health services in the state of Kerala in the face of this growing hegemony. The paper further argues for maintaining a pluralistic healing environment rather than displacing other healing modalities in favor of a single approach. Streaming / Video URL Homepage Event Organizer Südasien-Institut Homepage Organizer Registration E-Mail Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Medical Anthropology Forum - Sommersemester 2021': This is a forum for students, researchers and everyone who is interested in the study of health and illness in different cultural/social settings. We host senior students and scholars who present their current research projects. The aim is to discuss and analyze new theories and themes of medical anthropology and to learn more about international developments in the area of culture, health , and healthcare. Tuesday 04th May 2021, 05:15 PM Medical Anthropology Forum - SoSe 2021 Stefan Ecks (University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science) Tuesday 18th May 2021, 05:15 PM Ayurvedic Psychiatry, Medical Pluralism and the Movement for Global Mental Health Prof. Dr. Murphy Halliburton, The City University of New York (USA), Department of Anthropology Tuesday 15th June 2021, 05:15 PM Ecological Anxiety and Grief Across Generations in Britain Dr. Bridget Bradley, University of St Andrews (UK), Department of Social Anthropology Tuesday 29th June 2021, 05:15 PM Craving to be Heard But not Seen - Chatbots, Care and the Encoded Mental Health Universalism Privatdozentin Dr. Claudia Lang, Universität Leipzig, Institut für Ethnologie Tuesday 13th July 2021, 04:15 PM Locating the Missing Person in Personalized Medicine and Psychiatrie Prof. Dr. Laurence J. Kirmayer, McGill University (Canada), Division od Social and Transcultural Psychiatry |