Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 21: Montag, 24.05.2021 bis Sonntag, 30.05.2021
Donnerstag | 17.00 Uhr | Making research visible – Open Access publishing with the FID Asien Nicole Merkel-Hilf With our three publication platforms, the FID Asia supports scholars in Asian Studies in publishing their research results in open access. Our services range from hosting electronic journals to publishing monographs in various formats – electronically as PDF and HTML, but also as print-on-demand. Adresse Online Voßstrasse 2 69115 Heidelberg Homepage Veranstaltung https://blog.crossasia.org/classroom/ Veranstalter Crossasia Classroom Homepage Veranstalter https://blog.crossasia.org/classroom/ Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Specialised Information Service Asia (FID Asien) Training Courses': Mittwoch, 05. Mai 2021, 17.00 Uhr Datenbanken zur Geschichte Südasiens Johannes Uebelgünne Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021, 17.00 Uhr Elizaveta Ilves Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, 17.00 Uhr Making research visible – Open Access publishing with the FID Asien Nicole Merkel-Hilf |