Zurück zur Übersicht Samstag, 25.01.2025


11.15 Uhr

Heritage Politics at the Paśupatinātha Temple in Nepal

Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels, Universität Heidelberg, Südasieninstitut

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Tanja Kohl

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Asian Religions and the Politics of Heritage':

Donnerstag, 15. April 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Asian Religions and the Politics of Heritage

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 11.15 Uhr

The Sun that Never Sets

Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler, Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Sinologie

Donnerstag, 29. April 2021, 11.15 Uhr

What is Religious – About – Heritage?

Prof. Dr. Birgit Meyer, Utrecht University (Netherlands), Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Donnerstag, 06. Mai 2021, 11.15 Uhr

The Heritage of Writing in China

Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose, Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens

Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Home in My Bag

Prof. Dr. Sasanka Perera, South Asian University, New Delhi (India), Department of Sociology

Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Loss, Absence and Erasure

Dr. Stefanie Lotter, SOAS University of London (GB), South Asia Section

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Barbarians in a Holy Town

Prof. Dr. Natalia Bloch, Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland), Insitute of Anthropology and Ethnology

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Festivals as Heritage in Japan

Prof. Dr. Mark Teeuwen, University of Oslo (Norway), Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages

Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Heritage Politics at the Paśupatinātha Temple in Nepal

Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels, Universität Heidelberg, Südasieninstitut

Donnerstag, 01. Juli 2021, 11.15 Uhr

The Best We Share - Nation, Culture and World-making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena

Prof. Dr. Christoph Brumann, Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle

Donnerstag, 08. Juli 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Places of Value:

Dr. Simon Cubelic, Universität Heidelberg, Südasieninstitut

Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021, 11.15 Uhr

Reinscribing the Past as Heritage? Scrambled Histories of the Sacred and the Political in Urban Formations of Pre-modern North India

Prof. Dr. Monica Juneja, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies

Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2021, 11.15 Uhr

The Afterlife of the Babri Masjid

Prof. Dr. Hilal Ahmed, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi (India)