Zurück zur Übersicht Donnerstag, 21.07.2022


14.00 Uhr

The Time of Concepts: Acceleration of Cognitive Labour within Anthropology

Dr. Max Kramer, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Sozial und Kulturanthropologie

At the core of this presentation lies a problem that Dr Kramer has encountered in his professional live as a scholar. What is it that we can say about the patterns of conceptual labour visible in the discipline of anthropology operating within neoliberal academia? We experience an exceptional acceleration of concept making processes by anthropologists that has a distinctive comment on reflexivity as a practice and a unique experience of time within academia. He will speak, with some examples, about the current state of affairs in neoliberal academia whose demand for accelerated production of concepts and proliferation of conceptual labour has had effects on the ethics of knowledge production and circulation.

Public talk in the course of Hans Harder's seminar on "Speed: Dromology between South Asia and Europe".


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