Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 25: Montag, 20.06.2022 bis Sonntag, 26.06.2022


18.15 Uhr

Asia is one? Okakura Tenshin and his Idea of the Art

Prof. Dr. Furuta Ryo, Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan) & Ishibashi Foundation Visiting Professor at Heidelberg University, Institute of East Asian Art History

Kakuzo Okakura's English-language book "The Ideals of the East with Special Reference to the Art of Japan" is widely known for its opening phrase: "Asia is one". The book was written at an early stage in the hope of positioning Japanese history and culture in world history. At a time when Japanese art was reconsidered on a global scale, this talk examines for hints of creative thoughts concerning the contemporary circumstances of Okakura's art philosophy expressed in "Ideals of the East".

This talk will be held in Japanese and translated into English.


CATS – Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Gebäude 4010

R. 010.01.05

Voßstraße 2

69115 Heidelberg


Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens

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