Back to Events of Saturday 21st May 2022


06:00 PM

Environmental Politics in East Asia

Prof. Mary Alice Haddad (East Asian and Environmental Studies, Wesleyan University)

Once viewed as an environmental hazard to the planet, East Asia is now at the forefront of pro-environmental policymaking. China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have been able to craft pro-environmental policy that has generated exceptional progress in the areas of green technology and green finance, mixed outcomes in pollution management, and negligible improvement in addressing environmental justice. As the planet seeks guidance in addressing our collective climate crisis, East Asia offers both hope and caution for how we can craft pro-environmental policies in diverse political contexts.

Zur Person:
Mary Alice Haddad is the John E. Andrus Professor of Government, Director of the Office for Faculty and Career Development, and Professor of East Asian and Environmental Studies at Wesleyan University. She is the author of Effective Advocacy: Lessons from East Asia’s Environmentalists (MIT, 2021), Building Democracy in Japan (Cambridge, 2012), and Politics and Volunteering in Japan (Cambridge, 2007).

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Prof. Dr. Anja Senz, Institut für Sinologie

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