Colloquium Series „Listening In: Sounds of South Asian History” Session 1. Impassioned Speech: Cinema & Sonic Individuation in Colonial India.
Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia University)
Session 1. Impassioned Speech: Cinema & Sonic Individuation in Colonial India.
Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia University)
Sound transformed the career of cinema in India. But, in 1931, the “all talking, singing, and dancing” Indian film did not enter an empty space of silence. This talk locates Indian cinema’s transition from the silent era to the talkies within a dense acoustic ecology of already existing aural and technological practices, proposing that the newness of the talkies relied on the ambivalent modernity of the embodied and picturized voice.
The intense corporeality of the cinematic voice in India was heightened by its location in the charged social body of the film actress. Actresses were now called upon to make impassioned arguments in defense of their skills and their right to work. In considering the status of speech and dialogue in early talkie films of the 1930s, this talk draws continuities between a thriving public culture of political and pedagogical speechmaking and a declamatory drive in cinema. Adresse Südasien-Institut Gebäude 4130, Raum 011.00.11 Voßstr. 2 69115 Heidelberg Veranstalter Südasien-Institut Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt Lizeth Ortiz-Carreño Kontakt URL Anmeldung URL https:// |