Back to Events of Tuesday 20th December 2022


05:15 PM

Global Health Interventions: From Design to Causal Impact

Prof. Dr. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health

Prof. Bärnighausen’s research focuses on identifying, designing and testing novel interventions for population health and establishing the causal impact of interventions on population health, social and economic outcomes. In particular, he works on large-scale population-based experiments and quasi- experiments to reduce major global disease burdens in Africa, Asia and Europe – such as HIV, COVID-19, diabetes, hypertension, depression, and maternal and child health. His work has also contributed to our understanding of the major structural and behavioral drivers of population health, including aging, mobility, climate change, sexual risk behaviors, diet, exercise and drug use.



Gebäude 4010, Raum 010.01.05

Voßstraße 2

69115 Heidelberg

Homepage Event


Südasien-Institut, Abteilung Ethnologie

Homepage Organizer


Lin Nagels

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Medical Anthropology Forum - Wintersemester 2022/23':

The forum as a public event was designed to be a space where senior students and researchers could gather with MAHASSA students and other interested parties to discover and discuss current themes in medical anthropology. Medical anthropology raises important intellectual and scientific questions about human suffering and wellbeing, and about the human body in its relation to culture and society. This is a “survey course,” meaning that we will survey the most important topics in this field, including illness and suffering, ethnomedicine, ritual healing, the anthropology of the body, mental health and culture, medical pluralism and hegemony, critical medical anthropology, science technology and medicine studies, and others.

Please note that individual talks are offered in person (or possibly in a hybrid format), while others are offered online only.

Tuesday 08th November 2022, 05:15 PM

What is Āyurveda in the 21st Century – a Critical Appraisal of the New WHO-Benchmarks for the Practice and Training of Āyurveda (ONLINE ONLY)

Dr. Ananda Samir Chopra, Ayurveda-Klinik, Habichtswald-Klinik, Kassel

Tuesday 20th December 2022, 05:15 PM

Global Health Interventions: From Design to Causal Impact

Prof. Dr. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health

Tuesday 17th January 2023, 05:15 PM

Achieving Health Equity in Nagaland, India: Collaboratively Paving a Way Forward

Dr. Rhondemo A. Kikon, Humboldt Fellow (German Chancellor Fellowship Programme), Heidelberg Institute of Public Health

Tuesday 31st January 2023, 05:15 PM

Emotional Labour in Sri Lanka's Transitional Justice Process (ONLINE ONLY)

Dr. Eva Ambos, Visiting Scholar, University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) and Research Scholar, University of Tübingen & Ananda Galappatti, Independent Researcher

Tuesday 14th February 2023, 05:15 PM

De-Duplicating the Subject of Care: Biometrics and their Discontents in India (ONLINE ONLY)

Lawrence Cohen, Professor of Anthropology and of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley