Zurück zur Übersicht Samstag, 18.05.2024


19.00 Uhr

Sinologie in den Beruf mit dem Zhongguancun 中关村 Innovation Hub

Über die Referentin und den Referenten:

Xun Fei 荀菲, CEO, Zhongguancun 中关村 Innovation Hub
大家好,海德堡汉学系校友网此次有幸邀请到了中国最具活力的国家级自主创新示范区的代表、中关村德国创新中心CEO 荀菲女士来到我们的大学。在本此讲座中,荀菲女士首先将介绍北京创新生态环境以及国际人才在北京的就业前景和生活状况,除此之外,荀菲女士还将也就自己取得的事业成就向大家进行分享,并将为同学们进行答疑解惑。对此方面有兴趣的同学们欢迎踊跃参加。

Introduction of Innovation Ecosystem in Beijing

Brief Introduction: The German office of Beijing Zhongguancun, which is China's most dynamic science park and location of quantity of first-class universities and research institutions, will give Chinese Studies students at University Heidelberg a glance of innovation ecosystem in Beijing. We would also share the job prospects and opportunities of international talents in Beijing.

Gerhard Witte, Senior Director Project Management & Management Consulting, TEAMWILLE GmbH

Through his many years of employment in globally active electronics and mechatronics companies, holding various management positions, Gerhard Witte has acquired intensive hands-on working and living experience in China.
In his role as the Director of Project Management China, Mr Witte lived and worked in Beijing for about 5 years to lead the manufacturing plant to an advanced project management orientated organization, resulting in the successful execution of projects with high efficiency and fast time-to-market and attractive profit.
Mr Witte is member of various associations related to Sino-German relationship. He is actively supporting the business co-operation and friendship between China and Germany.
Mr Witte will talk about his work and live experience of his time in Beijing.


Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)


Voßstraße 2

69115 Heidelberg

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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Sinologie in den Beruf':

Sinologie studiert – und was dann? SHAN e.V. lädt in regelmäßigen Abständen ehemalige Sinologie-Student:innen ein, die von ihrem Werdegang sprechen und Ihre Fragen zur Karriereplanung beantworten. Alle Studierende und Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen.

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