Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 28: Montag, 12.07.2021 bis Sonntag, 18.07.2021
Montag | 18.15 Uhr | Modes of Making: Ogata Korin and Art in Early Modern Japan Frank Feltens, PhD, Associate Curator of Japanese Art, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington Ogata Korin (1658-1716) is one of early modern Japan's most cherished artists. He was also one of the era's most versatile painters, having worked in nearly every medium available to artists during his time: painting, lacquer, ceramics, and textiles. Korin's mastery lies in the multivalence of his materials and his skill in recasting age-old themes into novel visual experiences. Through the lens of the iris subject--one of Korin's signature tropes--this talk explores the processes of production, layered cultural meanings, and impact of key examples of Korin's iris works in different media. The talk draws from Feltens' book "Ogata Korin: Art in Early Modern Japan," available from Yale University Press. Ogata Kōrin: Irises at Yatsuhashi (Eight Bridges), detail, after 1709, Edo period (1615–1868), Pair of six-panel folding screens, ink and color on gold leaf on paper, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Streaming / Video URL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83371441153?pwd=VnJWZkJNY2ZTY0IySG1JbWFkTFVGZz09 Adresse CATS – Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Gebäude 4120 Voßstraße 2 69115 Heidelberg Veranstalter Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens Kontakt URL |