Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 15: Montag, 12.04.2021 bis Sonntag, 18.04.2021
Montag | 10.00 Uhr | Censorship and Academic Freedom in China since the 1940s Peidong Sun (CATS Digital Fellow, EURICS fellow, Associate Professor of History for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Cornell University) This public lecture focuses on censorship and academic freedom in China since the 1940s by offering some case studies related to different Chinese people in different time periods. Together with audiences, all panelists will engage in lively discussions on the future of China Studies in Europe and the real meaning of freedom of opinion and expression in digital times. In the Q & A section, audiences are welcome to participate in an active way. Homepage Veranstaltung http://www.eurics.eu/event_censorship-and-academic-freedom-in-china-since-the-1940s Veranstalter European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS) Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt Anmeldung URL |