Zurück zur Übersicht Dienstag, 11.05.2021
Dienstag | 16.15 Uhr | Terror and Grace: Saturn Worship in India Across the Ages Dr. Ofer Peres is a scholar of South Asian religions and literature. His main fields of interest are Vedic myth and ritual, purāṇic Hinduism, south Indian bhakti traditions, and early modern Tamil Śaivism. In his research, he examines the functions of textual adaptations and translations, and their role in cultural and religious transitions. As a Minerva Fellow at the South Asia Institute, Dr. Peres will be working on his research project: “Contesting Realities: Narrative Adaptation as Ideological Discourse in Medieval India.” In addition, he will be pursuing another project, entitled “The Rise of the Dark Planet: The Early-Modern Origins of the Cult of Saturn in South Asia.” Dr. Ofer PERES ABSTRACT Streaming / Video URL Adresse Building 4010 Room no. 06 (010.00.06) Voßstrasse 2 69115 Heidelberg Homepage Veranstaltung https://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/abt/IND/index.php Veranstalter Südasien-Institut Homepage Veranstalter https://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/abt/IND/index.php Kontakt Department of Cultural and Religious History of South Asia Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Department Colloquium': Dienstag, 11. Mai 2021, 16.15 Uhr Jurisprudence and Geography in the Making of Hindu Majoritarianism: The Cases of Ayodhya and Banaras • Prof. Dr. Knut A. Jacobson, University of Bergen, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion
• Dr. Vera Lazzaretti, Heidelberg University, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg Centre for Cultural Heritage
Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021, 16.15 Uhr Religious Girls’ Education in Colonial Sri Lanka: Creating Motherhood and Womanhood Jessica Albrecht, Ph.D. Canditate, Heidelberg University, Department for the Study of Religions Dienstag, 01. Juni 2021, 16.15 Uhr The Holy Garbage of the Temple and the Idea of Holiness Dr. Hillel Mali, New York University, NYU School of Law Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021, 16.15 Uhr Buddhist Nationalism and Islamophobia Prof. Dr. Iselin Frydenlund, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society Freitag, 02. Juli 2021, 09.15 Uhr Prof. Dr. Shobha Rani Dash, Heidelberg University, South Asia Institute and Dr. Suchada Srisetthaworakul, Otani University Freitag, 09. Juli 2021, 09.15 Uhr The Project: Buddhist Manuscripts from Gandhara Dr. Stefan Baums, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich and Stephen White M.Sc., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich Freitag, 16. Juli 2021, 09.15 Uhr Digital Edition of the Nyāyabhāṣya PD Dr. Phillip A. Maas, Leipzig University, Institute of Indology and Central Asian Studies Dienstag, 30. November 2021, 16.15 Uhr Terror and Grace: Saturn Worship in India Across the Ages Dr. Ofer PERES |