Zurück zur Übersicht Freitag, 03.05.2024
Freitag | 16.15 Uhr | Rice domestication and the use of fermented alcoholic beverages in ritual practices during Neolithic China Prof Dr. LIU Li 刘莉 (Stanford University) Prof Dr. LIU Li Rice domestication and the use of fermented alcoholic beverages in ritual practices during Neolithic China have a considerable historical significance. Pottery vessels dating back approximately 9000 years have provided the earliest evidence of rice-based fermented beverages, coinciding with the spread of rice cultivation from south to north. Numerous drinking vessels have been unearthed in mortuary contexts, indicating a close relationship between alcohol consumption and ancestral worship rituals. Our analysis of residues found in pottery vessels suggests that the earliest fermented beverages were likely produced using the qu brewing method, involving the use of moldy cereals, particularly rice, as fermentation starters. In this talk, I will discuss the origin, development, and variation of mortuary rituals associated with alcoholic consumption, rice's central role in this practice, as well as the social implications of this ritual tradition in Neolithic China. Adresse Institut für Sinologie 010.01.05 Voßstraße 2 69115 Heidelberg Veranstalter Institut für Sinologie Homepage Veranstalter www.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/sinologie Kontakt Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Centennial Chinese Archaeology Lecture Series 2024': Freitag, 03. Mai 2024, 16.15 Uhr Rice domestication and the use of fermented alcoholic beverages in ritual practices during Neolithic China Prof Dr. LIU Li 刘莉 (Stanford University) Dienstag, 07. Mai 2024, 18.15 Uhr Prof Dr. LIU Li 刘莉 (Stanford University) |