International Symposium: In-between Manuscript and Print Illustrated Books and Scrolls from Early Modern Japan
March, 19 – 21, 2021
The international symposium brings together different approaches to the complexities of written artefacts in Japan. Its purpose is to open up discussions on the complex relationship between manuscript and print, how narratives are embedded in various media, and also how writing and visualization practices interact with material characteristics. Although the focus is on the early modern period, also included are examples from other periods that help put into perspective processes of transmission of texts and images across materials and formats.
The symposium is organized by Melanie Trede and Radu Leca of SFB 933, subproject B14 "Interactive Materialities: Interdependencies between Written/Painted and Printed Artefacts in 17th Century Japan" and the Institute of East Asian Art History at Heidelberg University.
Radu Leca (
The symposium will take place online via Zoom. Participation is free of charge, but requires registration by contacting Emma Shuhui Lin ( Veranstalter Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt Institut für Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens Kontakt URL Anmeldung E-Mail |