Zurück zur Übersicht Samstag, 10.04.2021


09.15 Uhr

Rethinking the Sinophone—A Transcultural Perspective:

CATS Virtual Spring School: Session 5

Prof. SHEN Tung 沈冬 (National Taiwan University)

9.15-11.00 Session 5 沈冬 SHEN Tung
Romantic Sounds in Realistic films: A Study on Director Lee Hsing’s Melodious Film Songs
10.15-11.00 Discussion of Readings
11.15-13.00 Roundtable Discussion “How far does the Sinophone go? A transcultural perspective”


Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

Homepage Veranstalter




Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Rethinking the Sinophone—A Transcultural Perspective':

Program: https://projects.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/documents/taiwanlec/springschool-program.pdf

As the People’s Republic of China rises as a superpower, the question of how to live and define Chineseness beyond its borders becomes ever more prevalent. “Sinophone literature” (huayu wenxue 華語文學) as opposed to “Chinese literature” (Zhongguo wenxue 中國文學, i.e. written inside the People’s Republic of China)” may be used to refer to, according to David Wang, a heterogeneous body of texts related, if not necessarily subjected, to the dominant discourse of the People’s Republic of China in the name of nation, territory, politics and ethnicity. Sinophone studies is thus conceived by Shih Shu-mei as “the study of Sinitic-language cultures on the margins of geopolitical nation-states and their hegemonic productions.” In her words, thinking the Sinophone can serve to “ to disrupt the chain of equivalence established, since the rise of nation-states, among language, culture, ethnicity and nationality.” As such, the Sinophone is an interesting case to test transcultural approaches.
Our Spring School, conducted digitally, between April 7-10, 2021, will offer a chance to discuss with some of the most prominent protagonists in the field of Sinophone Studies (considering not just literature, but also music, film and poetry) how, when and where Chineseness can be thought with and alternatively to the superpower politics of the People’s Republic of China. In introducing sinophone literature, poetry and music through the lense of Taiwan’s heterogeneous cultural production—including works by aborigine authors and artists, as well as Chinese immigrants from Malaya and from the Chinese mainland, before and after 1945, i.e. waishengren 外省人and benshengren 本省人—students will be able to immerse themselves deeply into the intricacies of the Sinophone from a transcultural perspective. The seminar is open to students in all fields, it will be conducted mostly in Chinese but English translations can be provided if needed!

Readings and Translations for the Papers to be presented at the Spring School in Chinese are available here:

CHAIR: David Wang with 沈冬,洪淑苓, 劉正忠, 高嘉謙, 梅家玲 & Barbara Mittler (梅嘉樂)

Mittwoch, 07. April 2021, 09.30 Uhr

CATS Virtual Spring School: Keynote lecture

Prof. David Wang 王德威 (Harvard University)

Donnerstag, 08. April 2021, 09.15 Uhr

CATS Virtual Spring School: Session 1 & 2

Prof. MEI Chia-ling 梅家玲 (National Taiwan University) Prof. LIU Chengchung 劉正忠 (National Taiwan University)

Freitag, 09. April 2021, 09.15 Uhr

CATS Virtual Spring School: Session 3 & 4

Prof. Horng Shuling 洪淑苓 (National Taiwan University) Prof. Ko Chia Cian 高嘉謙 (National Taiwan University)

Samstag, 10. April 2021, 09.15 Uhr

CATS Virtual Spring School: Session 5

Prof. SHEN Tung 沈冬 (National Taiwan University)