Zurück zur Übersicht Donnerstag, 04.07.2024


17.15 Uhr

Vorträge des Demotic Palaeographical Database Project

The Astral Sciences at Athribis

A Case Study on the Practice of Astrology in Roman Egypt

Dr. Marina Escolano Poveda (University of Liverpool)

The site of Athribis in Upper Egypt offers an exceptional opportunity for the study of the astral sciences in the Graeco-Roman period. It has yielded the largest, oldest, and most complex corpus of horoscopes in Egypt, attesting to the active practice of astrology in the temple precinct at the turn of the Millennium. The horoscopes are contemporary to the decoration of the astronomical ceilings in the temple of Ptolemy XII and the tomb of the mayor of Athribis, Psenosiris. A century later, the Zodiac Tomb attests to the continuous relevance of the astral sciences at the site. This lecture will use this evidence to present a case study on the practice of the astral sciences in a Roman period Egyptian town.

Der Vortrag findet als hybride Veranstaltung statt.
Online: https://heiconf.uni-heidelberg.de/joa-f6n-x4a
Präsenz: Ägyptologisches Institut, Voßstraße 2, Geb. 4410, 69115 Heidelberg, ÜR 210


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69115 Heidelberg


The Demotic Palaeographical Database Project, Ägyptologisches Institut

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