Zurück zur Übersicht Dienstag, 04.06.2024


20.30 Uhr

Peaceful World, Where Are You? Activism and Art in a Global Context.

Pat To Yan & Barbara Mittler


Hong Kong Activist and Dramatist Pat To Yan is currently author-in-residence at the Nationaltheater Mannheim. He was born 1975 in Hong Kong, where he studied English Literature and Sociology. He consequently worked as an author and director of dystopian drama working at the “New Writing Laboratory” in Hong Kong. In 2014 he left for Europe where he earned a Master's Degree in Playwriting at Royal Holloway, University of London.
He has since become quite well known as an activist-writer also in Europe. In 2016, he was invited to the Berlin Stückemarkt with his award-winning play "A Short Chronicle of Future China" (2015). In his plays and—most recently, in his libretto for “The Damned and the Saved” (2022) first performed at the Mannheim State Theater, the possibility of confusing reality and dream seems so obvious that it makes one shudder. His plays confront us with nightmares—not just about China (as they refer back to, as Yan puts it, “The most turbulent time(s) of Hong Kong History since World War 2”), but about the world and humanity at large—they make us live through these nightmares, of suppression, climate change and war, pitted against our own and everyone’s futures!
This dialogue in our Encounters series, will thus involve an activist working from Hong Kong—in a global conversation that calls on politics as well as civil involvement from Asia, America and Europe, pointing to how engaged art is trying to make a difference in world politics.


Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

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Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung '„Encounters” - New Perspectives on Asia, America, and Europe':


… is a series of dialogues initiated by the Center for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS) and the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) at Heidelberg University. The events focus on the relationship between the two superpowers of the twenty-first century – the United States of America and China. With the rapid rise of the People’s Republic in recent decades, this relationship has become increasingly confrontational.

… looks at this new constellation and its consequences for Germany and Europe: How do the European Union and its individual member states position themselves in the conflict between China and the United States? Which social and cultural interactions and processes can we observe in this special bilateral relationship?

… brings prominent Chinese and American artists and authors, activists, representatives from the business community, and public intellectuals to Heidelberg where they engage in conversations with scholars from the HCA and CATS.

… offers a nuanced discussion on a wide range of critical issues of these exceptional bilateral relations, such as environmental and trade policies, technology and innovation, white-collar crime and digital surveillance as well as human rights and freedom of expression.

… thus contributes to an informed exchange among academia and the general public, including the business community, the political sphere, and the media. The critical dialogues of the series constitute part of an informed public debate on one of the most important issues for the future of Germany and Europe.

Dienstag, 30. November 2021, 19.15 Uhr

Transforming U.S.-China conflicts? Common interests and transnational perspectives

• Dr. Cheng Li, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (USA), John L. Thornton China Center • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch, Heidelberg University, Institute of Political Science

Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022, 12.30 Uhr

Visions of a new global order - A view from China

• Prof. Dr. Wang Hui, Tsinghua University, Peking (China), Department of Chinese Language and Literature • Dr. Marina Rudyak, Heidelberg University, Institute of Chinese Studies

Donnerstag, 07. April 2022, 18.15 Uhr

Die liberale Weltordnung in der Krise? Die EU zwischen den USA, Russland und China

Reinhard Bütikofer (MEP), Florian Böller (TU Kaiserslautern)

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2022, 12.30 Uhr

„Enfant Terrible, Minister of Culture, Silent Loner?” Lung Ying-tai in conversation with Barbara Mittler

Lung Ying-tai & Barbara Mittler

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2022, 20.30 Uhr

Peaceful World, Where Are You? Activism and Art in a Global Context.

Pat To Yan & Barbara Mittler

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2022, 18.15 Uhr

Rivals or Enemies? The United States, Russia and China

Fiona Hill (Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.) in conversation with Martin Thunert (Heidelberg Center for American Studies)

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2023, 19.00 Uhr

China and the U.S. – Ambition and Frustration in Fragile Societies

Biao Xiang (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle) in conversation with Manfred Berg (HCA)

Dienstag, 04. Juni 2024, 18.15 Uhr

Taiwan Rising

Michael Meyer in conversation with Barbara Mittler