Recalibrating Culture – Reconfiguring the (Trans-)Cultural International Workshop
Thursday, November 22nd
14.00 INTRODUCTION Philipp Stoellger & Barbara Mittler (Heidelberg University)
Wann, wieso und warum: Recalibrating Culture
14.30-16.30 KEYNOTE 1 Dieter Mersch (Züricher Hochschule der Künste)
Digitalität, Globalität und der Verfall kultureller Differenz. Zur Kritik algorithmischer Rationalisierung
16.30 BREAK
16.45-17.30 Avishek Ray (National Institute of Technology Silchar)
The Trajectory of a Viral Image: On the Afterlife of the Alan Kurdi Image
17.30 BREAK
18.00-20.00 KEYNOTE 2 Monica Juneja (Heidelberg University)
The Hunter and the Squirrel – Possibilities and Limits of a Post-Anthropocentric Art History.
Friday, November 23rd
9.15-11.15 KEYNOTE 3 Rudolf Wagner (Heidelberg University)
Of Trees and the Wood, Cultures and CULTURE
11.15 BREAK
11.30-12.15 Sophie Roche (Heidelberg University/Goethe University Frankfurt)
Umwelt and Innenwelt: The Experience of Environmental Transformation
12.15-13.00 Kuo-An Ma (National Center for Photography)
To Live a ''Folk Life": Visual Documents of "Local Culture" in Late Colonial Taiwan (1941-45)
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00 -14.45 Sourav Kargupta (Independent postdoctoral scholar)
‘A little more than just literature’: Representations of the ‘(trans-)cultural’ Finance Capital in Audio- Visual Advertisements in the Post-demonetization India
14.45-15.30 Prem Poddar (Roskilde University)
Visualising Value: Transculturing Passports
15.30-16.15 Simon Yin (Hefei University of Technology)
Formation and Transformation of Virgin Mary's Image in Ming-Dynasty China
16.15 BREAK
16.30-17.00 CONCLUSION Barbara Mittler & Philipp Stoellger (Heidelberg University) Where do we go from here? Our Publication and other matters.
Readings for the keynote speeches are available here: Come prepared!
Adresse Karl Jaspers Zentrum, Gebäude 4400 212 Voßstraße 2 69115 Heidelberg Veranstalter HCTS Homepage Veranstalter |