Zurück zur Übersicht Dienstag, 15.10.2019


17.15 Uhr

Global Mental Therapy

Prof. Dr. William Sax (South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg)

There is a kind of global mental therapy, which has been used by virtually everyone, in every culture and during all periods of human history: It is called "ritual." But the therapeutic aspects of healing rituals have never been adequately investigated by psychology and psychiatry, nor are these disciplines sufficiently aware of the degree to which their own practices are ritualized. What explains this lack of interest in what is likely the most ubiquitous type of global mental therapy? Why does the topic remain so dreadfully under-researched? Can "rituals" be effective in treating mental suffering, and if so, how? Drawing on several decades of ethnographic research on ritual healing in Asia, Africa, and Europe, I suggest a number of provisional answers to these questions.


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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Medical Anthropology Forum - WS 2019/20':

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Wild Animal Charmers, Ritual Healing and Ecopsychiatry in the Sundarbans

Dr. Annu Jalais (South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore)

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020, 17.15 Uhr

Global Mental Therapy

Prof. Dr. William Sax (South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg)

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Self-Medicating with Research Chemicals: An Anthropological Exploration of an Online Drug Forum

Dr. Kira Schmidt Stiedenroth (South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg