
18.15 Uhr

Securitization of everything? China's expanding sphere of national security and the cyber domain.

Simone Dossi (Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Milan and non-resident Research Fellow at the Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai).

Under the so-called “holistic approach to national security”, new dimensions have been incorporated in China’s official definition of its national security. From the economy to society, from technology to the environment, everything seems to be securitized in Xi Jinping’s “New Era”. The cyber domain is particularly interesting in this respect, as a new arena that has been identified rather early as the source of significant threats to the security of the Party-State. But is this “securitization of everything” peculiar of China?


Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

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69115 Heidelberg


Prof. Dr. Anja Senz, Institut für Sinologie

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Securitization of everything? China's expanding sphere of national security and the cyber domain.

Simone Dossi (Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Milan and non-resident Research Fellow at the Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai).

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