Zurück zur Übersicht Montag, 08.07.2024


09.15 Uhr

Manuscriptology and Digital Humanities

Manuscript Heritage of Odisha

Manuscriptology and Digital Humanities

Dr. Mamata Mishra, Prof. K.V. Sarma Research Foundation, Chennai (India)

Odia manuscripts i.e. mss. written in Odia script and both in Odia and Sanskrit languages constitute a substantial part of the overall Manuscript Heritage of India. According to one estimate of the National Mission for Manuscripts, Odia mss. form the second largest collection (after Nāgarī) in India. These mss. are mostly written on palm leaves and sometimes illustrated. The collection of Odia mss. is not only vast, but it also has some very rare and unique specimens, for example, the collection of palm-leaf mss. of Paippalāda śākhā of Atharvaveda which is not available elsewhere in the world.

This talk will introduce the Manuscript Heritage of Odisha, present a brief journey of the manuscripts and speak about some important texts written in Odia script and conserved in these mss. It will also inform about the efforts to survey and catalogue the mss. beginning from the first survey by J. Long (1859), followed by William Wilson Hunter (1872) up to the Odia Catalogus Catalogorum which is currently under preparation.

Dr. Mamata Mishra is Founder Secretary of Prof. K.V. Sarma Research Foundation, Chennai.




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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Manuscriptology and Digital Humanities':

The methods and techniques of Digital Humanities are increasingly reshaping the manner in which established areas of research are carried out. Use of digital applications and electronic equipments is ushering a new era for the study of manuscripts as well. These rapid advancements necessitate a careful and thorough assessment of the desirability, as also possible concerns, of employing them and call for a judicious integration of the new techniques in the workflow of the study and editing of manuscripts. The main aim of this research group is to review and revise the study of South and Southeast Asian manuscripts in the context of the fast evolving discipline of Digital Humanities.

Montag, 25. Oktober 2021, 09.15 Uhr

New Catalogus Catalogorum: An overview

Prof. Siniruddha Dash, University of Madras (Indien), Grammar, Linguistics, Literature and Manuscriptology

Montag, 08. November 2021, 13.15 Uhr

Advanced Technologies for Imaging and Preservation of Ancient Palm-leaf Manuscripts

Prof. PR Mukund, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York (USA)

Montag, 22. November 2021, 09.15 Uhr

Digitizing Manuscripts and Archival Sources: Three Corpora from North India

Prof. Dr. Monika Boehm-Tettelbach, Universität Heidelberg, Süd-Asien Institut, Neusprachliche Südasienstudien

Montag, 13. Dezember 2021, 09.15 Uhr

Manuscript Heritage of Odisha

Dr. Mamata Mishra, Prof. K.V. Sarma Research Foundation, Chennai (India)