Zurück zur Übersicht Donnerstag, 13.03.2025


18.15 Uhr

Baden-Württemberg Seminar

Looking for the State before the Age of Fracture

A Prehistory of Neoliberalism

Prof. Dr. Jason Scott Smith, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque (USA), Department of History

Reihe: Baden-Württemberg-Seminar

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Fulbright Kommission


Curt und Heidemarie Engelhorn Palais

Heidelberg Center for American Studies

Hauptstraße 120

69117 Heidelberg

Homepage Veranstaltung



Heidelberg Center for American Studies

Homepage Veranstalter



Dr. Anja Schüler

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Baden-Württemberg Seminar':

Each spring and fall, the Heidelberg Center for American Studies invites distinguished scholars, public policy experts, journalists, writers, and artists to its Baden-Württemberg Seminar. The program was initiated in the spring of 2007 as a lecture series with fellows of the American Academy in Berlin. Since the summer of 2009, the HCA is fully responsible for the Baden-Württemberg Seminar, which has also extended its base. Participants present their current work, discuss issues of transatlantic interest, or read from their writings at selected institutions throughout the state.

Baden-Württemberg’s profound interest in the United States is reflected in many of its cultural, political, and economic institutions, its corporations, museums, and libraries. A number of them cooperate with the Heidelberg Center for American Studies to make the Baden-Württemberg Seminar possible.

Freitag, 27. April 2018, 18.00 Uhr

The Past is Prologue

Dr. Karen Donfried, Präsidentin des German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington D.C. (USA)

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018, 18.15 Uhr

Looking for the State before the Age of Fracture

Prof. Dr. Jason Scott Smith, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (USA), Department of History

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018, 18.15 Uhr

The Trump Experience and American History

Prof. Dr. Charles Maier, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA), Department of History

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018, 18.15 Uhr

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Prophetic Witness, Fifty Years Later

Prof. Dr. Eddie Glaude, Princeton University (USA), Department of African American Studies

Donnerstag, 05. Juli 2018, 18.15 Uhr

Culture, Cognition, and Reliance

Prof. Dr. Omar Lizardo, University of Notre Dame (USA), Department of Sociology

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2018, 18.15 Uhr

Reading, Not Reading, and the Tangible Humanities

Prof. Dr. Amy Hungerford, Yale University, New Haven (USA), English Department

Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2018, 18.15 Uhr

The Sphinx at the Crossroads: Transcendentalism Meets the Anthropocene

Prof. Dr. Laura Dassow Walls, University of Notre Dame (USA), Department of English