Zurück zur Übersicht Donnerstag, 13.03.2025


17.00 Uhr

Medical Anthropology Forum

Nature Cure and Embodied Environmentalism: An Ecological „Remedy” for the Anthropocene and its Discontents

Dr. Joseph Alter, University of Pittsburgh, United States of America



Raum Z10

Im Neuenheimer Feld 330

69120 Heidelberg




Brenna Anderson

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Medical Anthropology Forum':

Das Medical Anthropology Forum richtet sich an Wissenschaftler, Studierende und alle, die sich für das Thema Gesundheit und Krankheit in verschiedenen kulturellen und sozialen Kontexten interessieren. Im Rahmen des Forums stellen Nachwuchswissenschaftler und Gäste aus dem Forschungsbereich Medical Anthropology ihre aktuellen Projekte vor.

This is a forum for students, researchers and everyone who is interested in the study of health and illness in different cultural/social settings. We host senior students and scholars who present their current research projects. The aim is to discuss and analyze new theories and themes of medical anthropology and to learn more about international developments in the area of culture, health, and healthcare. In order to obtain credit points, students must attend the lectures ans write a 1-2 page summary of four of the lectures.

Dienstag, 08. Mai 2018, 17.00 Uhr

Plural Selves -On Psychiatric Pluralism in Kerala and the Global Mental Health Discourses

Dr. Hari Bhashkar, Medical Superintendet of KNM NSS Ayurveda Hospital, India

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018, 17.00 Uhr

Pure and Impure Ayurveda: De-Brahmanization

Dr. Fred Smith, University of Iowa, United States of America

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2018, 17.00 Uhr

Debrahmanization: Im/Possibillities of Personhood

Dr. Johannes Quack, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2018, 17.30 Uhr

Disability and Indian Indentured Labour in the South Pacific

Dr. Jane Buckingham, University of Canterburry, New Zealand

Dienstag, 03. Juli 2018, 17.00 Uhr

Nature Cure and Embodied Environmentalism: An Ecological „Remedy” for the Anthropocene and its Discontents

Dr. Joseph Alter, University of Pittsburgh, United States of America