Back to Events of Wednesday 09th January 2019


11:00 AM

The tradition of the filial daughter and the birth of the modern woman in East Asia:

Prof. Taesuk Lee, Dankook University (South Korea), School of General Education

In East Asian tradition, ethics, there is the concept of 'Filial piety (Hyo 孝)'. Especially effective among Confucian ethics that ideologically-based East Asian tradition is the prerequisite concepts underlying the patriarchal order. Filial piety rules primarily the individuals' obedience to their parents, especially the father of the family (家夫) but this concept in the Confucian patriarchal order is family (家) with country (國) in analogical relations are expanding naturally in society and the state ultimately call loyalty (忠) for the king (國君).

In the East Asian tradition, the concept of filial piety combined with patriarchy, also it ascertained that the tradition of the girl bride as a sacrifice in traditional literature has existed all over the world for a long time. In the West, since [Eros and Psyche] of the Greek, Roman mythology, the tradition of the girl bride as a sacrifice in traditional narrative genres such as the European fairy tale [The Beauty and the beast] can be considered in relation to the Orient tradition.

In the traditional Korean narrative literature, [SimChungJeon] has been handed down in diverse genres such as pansori performances and traditional exorcism as well as traditional novels. The differences in these genres have been created by changing the central themes for filial daughter and narratives, reflecting the public's interest in these narrative genres and showing the diversity of folk traditions.

As we enter the period of modern literature, the story of is re-created by many writers. In the period of modern literature, is the most educational story based on national ethics and is the favorite story of the public. The narrative of the modern filial daughter such as Chae Man Sik in the 1930s, Choi In Hoon in the 1970s, and in the 2000s by Hwang Seok Young becomes the method of representing a new perspective on a filial daughter to appear into the contemporary epoch.

This lecture will be given as a part of Hyojin Lee’s seminar “Korean Literature and Culture”.

You can get more information about the novels related in this lecture below:


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