Back to Events of Week No. 18: Monday 29th April 2019 to Sunday 05th May 2019


02:15 PM

GIScience for GEOscience: challenges and opportunities in a risky world

The Geography of Suburban Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Prof. Dr. Jochen Albrecht, Hunter
College (New York City), Department of Geography

The common assumption is that cities are the main producers of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Multiple publications by a research group that I am a member of have shown that cities, even when very generously defined as urbanized areas with a significant extent, produce only 33% to 40% of all GHG emissions. This begs the question where and by whom is the bulk of GHGs produced. It turns out that it is the suburbs that place the biggest burden on our planet's sustainability and that cities are both on a per capita basis as well as in absolute terms rather efficient. Using the spatially disaggregated EDGAR dataset of the Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), I present the results of a spatial analysis of some 20 different emission producers for a range of emission types, all aggregated to CO2-equivalents. The regional scale analysis shows that while the overall role of suburban rings is uncontentious, the actual culprits vary widely from region to region.


Geographisches Institut

Lecture Hall (Room 015)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 348

69120 Heidelberg


Geographisches Institut, Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Homepage Organizer


Bettina Knorr

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'GIScience for GEOscience: challenges and opportunities in a risky world ':

Monday 29th April 2019, 02:15 PM

The Geography of Suburban Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Prof. Dr. Jochen Albrecht, Hunter College (New York City), Department of Geography

Monday 20th May 2019, 02:15 PM

GIScience for GEOscience

Dr. Massimiliano Pittore, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences - Helmholz Centre Potsdam