Zurück zur Übersicht Mittwoch, 27.06.2018
Mittwoch | 14.15 Uhr | Robust geometry extraction in large spatial point clouds: IWR Colloquium Prof. Roderik Lindenbergh, TU Delft, Netherlands Laser scanning efficiently samples our urban and natural environment. LIDAR systems on tripods, cars, drones, planes and even backpacks are able to collect billions of 3D points in a few hours. What remains challenging is to automatically extract valid geometric information from these points clouds in a similarly efficient way. In the presentation issues with these point clouds will be discussed, followed by some overview of methods to extract geometric information on e.g. trees, traffic signs, tunnels or beaches in a robust and computationally efficient way. Adresse Mathematikon Conference Room / 5th Floor Im Neuenheimer Feld 205 69120 Heidelberg Homepage Veranstaltung www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/iwr-colloquium Veranstalter Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) Homepage Veranstalter Kontakt |