Back to Events of Week No. 5: Monday 31st January 2022 to Sunday 06th February 2022


05:00 PM


From Zero to Awesome

Katja Filippenko, Saatgutkonfetti

Katja Filippenko studied International Law at Heidelberg University and worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for International Law. During her studies, she successfully participated in international competitions and organized interdisciplinary events such as TEDxHeidelberg. After her graduation she joined SAP as Global Licensing Manager and worked as Design Thinking Coach and Sustainability Champion. Besides that she was also an Expert Consultant and Start Up Mentor. Her passion for sustainability topics and entrepreneurial spirit led her to founding a social and green start up called “Saatgutkonfetti/Seedconfetti” together with Philip Weyer and Christoph Trimborn. Their main product, seedconfetti, is not only a sustainable product for celebrations but rather a tool to inspire people to use products with positive impact for the environment, avoid waste and support biodiversity while having fun. Seedconfetti won the Green Concept Award and Sozial ist Sexy Award.




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Anna Echtenacher

Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Entrepreneurship':

Im Wintersemester 2021/22 organisiert hei_INNOVATION eine Vortragsreihe zum Thema Entrepreneurship und Innovation, die die Vorlesung „Entrepreneurship“ der Universität Heidelberg ergänzt. Die Reihe findet zwei Mal im Monat montags statt und beginnt am 25. Oktober 2021. Sie präsentiert Sprecher, die sich in den Bereichen Entrepreneurship, Innovationsmanagement und Business Model Innovation hervorgetan haben.

Die Vorträge beginnen jeweils um 17:00 Uhr und finden online in englischer Sprache statt. Sie sind öffentlich und jeder ist willkommen.

Monday 08th November 2021, 05:00 PM

The Evolution of Productivity of Entrepreneurs

Daniel Dippold, Sigma Squared Society/EWOR

Monday 15th November 2021, 05:00 PM

Student Entrepreneurship

Joshua Pischtschan, thinc!

Monday 22nd November 2021, 05:00 PM

Mental Health as an Entrepreneur

Dr. Simone Burel, LUB GmbH

Monday 06th December 2021, 05:00 PM

Innovation Scouting

Danilo Randazzo, Liebherr Home Alliances

Monday 13th December 2021, 05:00 PM

Startup Ecosystem


Monday 17th January 2022, 05:00 PM

Spin-offs and how to do them

Prof. Dr. Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg

Monday 24th January 2022, 05:00 PM

Intercultural Entrepreneurship

Dr. Kathrin DiPaola, Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus New York (USA)

Monday 31st January 2022, 05:00 PM

From Zero to Awesome

Katja Filippenko, Saatgutkonfetti