Back to Events of Week No. 9: Monday 25th February 2019 to Sunday 03rd March 2019


06:00 PM

Modern Postural Yoga in an Expanded Field:

Nachiket Chanchani, University of Michigan, Department of the History of Art

Drawing on extensive archival research and fieldwork, this talk traces how B.K.S. Iyengar –– widely acknowledged as a man who helped bring yoga to the West –– came to understand postures (asanas) and techniques of breath regulation (pranayama) as artforms and see himself as an artist. Chanchani’s argument is that Iyengar’s construction and display of the figure of a yogi as an artist was shaped by developments transpiring in the art world in India in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, and developments in Europe and North America in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Some of these cultural formations were the focus of art historian’s Rosalind Krauss’s classic essay, “Sculpture in an Expanded Field.”

The lecture is part of a lecture series conjointly organized by the chairs of Buddhist Studies, Intellectual History, and Global Art History.


Karl Jaspers Centre


Voßstraße 2, Geb. 44

69115 Heidelberg

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Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS)

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Oliver Lamers, Scientific Project Manager