Zurück zur Übersicht Kalenderwoche 3: Montag, 18.01.2021 bis Sonntag, 24.01.2021


18.15 Uhr

Burial Goods of Two Empresses from the Ding Mausoleum of the Ming Wanli Period (1573–1620):

Dr. Yu-ping Luk, The British Museum, Department of Asia

Located on the outskirts of Beijing, the Ding Mausoleum is the resting place of the Wanli emperor (r. 1573–1620), Empress Xiaoduan (1564–1620) and Empress Xiaojing (1565–1611). The spectacular finds from this tomb are often seen as treasures that show the luxurious lifestyle of Ming emperors and empresses. This talk, however, examines the burial goods specifically in relation to the lives of Xiaoduan and Xiaojing – two women who had very different careers at the imperial court. A comparison reveals how sumptuary laws were applied in practice and how the ranking of imperial women was distinguished in material terms in the late Ming dynasty. This talk further highlights unexpected finds from the tomb and connects them to the problematic status of Xiaojing in life and in death.



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