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11:00 AM

Efficiency of Home Radon Mitigation Systems in some Canadian Provinces:

Prof. Motassem Al Arydah, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate), Department of Mathematics

Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of death of cancer in Canada in both men and women, and indoor radon is the second leading cause of LC after tobacco smoking. The Population Attributable Risk (PAR) is used to assess radon exposure risk. We use the PAR to identify the radon levels responsible for most LC cases. During the period 2006–2009, 6% of houses in Ontario, 9% of houses in Alberta, 19% of houses in Manitoba, 7% of houses in Quebec, and 5% of houses in British Columbia had radon levels higher than 200 Bq/m3 and was responsible about 913, 211, 260, 972, and 258 lives, respectively. Radon mitigation programs could have prevented these LC cases. We use the PAR function of the two variables, radon action, and target levels, to search for a possible optimal mitigation program. The PAR is a linear function in the target radon value with an estimated slope of 0.0001 for Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, and British Columbia, and 0.0004 for Manitoba. The PAR is an increasing function in the radon action level. The PAR is sensitive to changes in the radon mitigation program and as such, any improvement is a worthwhile investment.

[1] Al-arydah, M. (2018). Estimating the Burden of Lung Cancer and the Efficiency of Home Radon Mitigation Systems in some Canadian Provinces. Science of the Total Environment, 626, , 287-306.

[2] Al-arydah, M. (2017). Population attributable risk associated with lung cancer induced by residential radon in Canada. Sensitivity to relative risk model and radon. Science of the Total Environment.



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