Montag | 14:00 | Film Screenings - The Indian Partition of 1947: Remembering History Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130, Raum 010.00.06 |
Dienstag | 13:00 | Texts and Contexts of Sinophone Feminisms Paola ZAMPERINI Institut für Sinologie, 010.01.05 |
17:00 | “What does care take? Saving and sequestering in orangutan conservation” Liana Chua (University of Cambridge) 4010 (CATS Lecture Hall), 010.01.05 | |
19:00 | Theaterstück: Tanz der Balance Institut für Sinologie, 010.01.05 |
Mittwoch | 13:00 | ZO-Vollversammlung Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), 010.01.05 |
18:00 | Film screening: Untold herstory (2022) directed by Zero Chou, 112min Institut für Sinologie, 010.01.05 |