Monday | 02:00 PM | Film Screenings - The Indian Partition of 1947: Remembering History Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130, Raum 010.00.06 |
02:15 PM | Realism and New Hindi Cinema Prof. Dr. Šarūnas Paunksnis (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) Gebäude 4010, 010.00.07 |
Tuesday | 01:00 PM | Thinking with/as feminists: an introduction to key terms Paola ZAMPERINI Institut für Sinologie, 010.01.05 |
Wednesday | 06:00 PM | Film screening: Woman Demon Human (1987) directed by Huang Shuqin—China's first feminist film? Institut für Sinologie, 010.00.05 |
Thursday | 04:15 PM | Camp Urbanism and the emergence of the modern slum in 20th century Bombay - Nikhil Rao - Wellesley College Prof. Nikhil Rao - Wellesley College Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4400, Raum 400.02.12 |
Friday | 09:00 AM | Mass Culture and the Vanguard in Interwar Japan: Left-Wing Social Reform Thought and Practice Between World War I and the Fascist Period: Mass Culture and the Vanguard in Interwar Japan: Left-Wing Social Reform Thought and Practice Between World War I and the Fascist Period Internationales Wissenschaftsforum, |
11:00 AM | Film screening: Of Color and Ink Zhang Weimin, director and Prof. Carl Nagin, Conservatory of Music, San Francisco CATS – Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Gebäude 4010, CATS Auditorium R.010.01.05 |
Saturday | 09:00 AM | Mass Culture and the Vanguard in Interwar Japan: Left-Wing Social Reform Thought and Practice Between World War I and the Fascist Period: Mass Culture and the Vanguard in Interwar Japan: Left-Wing Social Reform Thought and Practice Between World War I and the Fascist Period Internationales Wissenschaftsforum, |