Montag | 14:00 | How Does Growth Affect Corruption? Exit, Empowerment, and Voice in Indian Public Services Prof. Amit Ahuja, University of California (Santa Barbara), Department of Political Science, Gebäude 4130, |
Dienstag | 16:15 | Buddhist Nationalism and Islamophobia Prof. Dr. Iselin Frydenlund, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society Gebäude 4130, |
Mittwoch | 18:00 | 1961, a year of not enough significance? Prof. Dr. Karl Gerth, University of California - San Diego, La Jolla (USA), Department of History Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), |
18:30 | Chinese Socialism after the Loss of the Communist Horizon Dr. Puck Engman, University of California, Berkeley (USA), Department of History Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), |
Donnerstag | 11:15 | Heritage Politics at the Paśupatinātha Temple in Nepal Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels, Universität Heidelberg, Südasieninstitut Gebäude 4130, |
Freitag | 16:00 | Crafting community along the Yangzi: Charting interaction networks in late Neolithic walled towns Dr. Camilla Sturm, Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, New York (USA) Institut für Sinologie, |