Montag | 14:00 | Patching Development: Information Politics and Social Change in India Dr. Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (USA), School of Foreign Service Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130 |
18:15 | The Book in Japanese Art – Some Scenes, Some Problems Prof. Dr. Peter Kornicki, University of Cambridge (UK) & Ishibashi Foundation Visiting Professor at Heidelberg University, Institute of East Asian Art History CATS – Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Gebäude 4010, Raum R. 010.01.05 |
Dienstag | 14:00 | Religious Iconography and Praxis • Zhang Zong, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (China) • Dr. Ning Yao, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Italien) Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie, Hörsaal 01, Erdgeschoss |
17:15 | The Politics of Ecological Emotions: Comparing Anxiety and Anger as Responses to the Climate Crisis in Britain (ONLINE ONLY) Dr. Bridget Bradley, University of St Andrews (UK), CATS, Gebäude 4110, Raum 110.02.05 | |
18:00 | The influence of telegraph and telephone on Chinese language and literature: From the late 19th to the early 20th century (auf Chinesisch) Prof. em. Hirata Shôji, Universität Kyôto (Japan) Institut für Sinologie, 120.02.11 | |
18:15 | Social Media, Marketing, and Islamic Propaganda from the Arab Spring to Today Dr. Sasson Chahanovic, CAPAS Fellow Neue Universität, HS 14 |
Mittwoch | 16:00 | Beyond the Past: Poetry as a Notation of the Present in the Work of Bhai Vir Singh (1872-1957) Prof. Dr. Anne Murphy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Kanada), Department of History Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130, Raum 010.01.03 |
Freitag | 14:15 | Colloquium Series „The 1950s: Journeys into Postcolonial South Asia” Prof. Ornit Shani - University of Haifa Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130, Raum 010.01.05 (Streaming on Zoom) |
16:00 | Orientierungstag: Sinologie als Studienfach Dr. Tao Zhang (Studienberatung BA), Dr. David Sehnal (Studienberatung MA), Lennart Riedel (Studienberatung Lehramt) Institut für Sinologie, | |
18:00 | Exhibition & Symposium “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation": Exhibition Opening & Reception “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation" Völkerkundemuseum, |
Samstag | 09:00 | Exhibition & Symposium “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation": Symposium “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation" Völkerkundemuseum, |
09:00 | Exhibition & Symposium “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation": Exhibition “Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation" Völkerkundemuseum , |