Dienstag | 16:15 | Colloquium Series „Listening In: Sounds of South Asian History” Südasien-Institut, Gebäude 4130, Raum 011.00.11 |
16:15 | Religious Girls’ Education in Colonial Sri Lanka: Creating Motherhood and Womanhood Jessica Albrecht, Ph.D. Canditate, Heidelberg University, Department for the Study of Religions Gebäude 4130, | |
17:15 | Ayurvedic Psychiatry, Medical Pluralism and the Movement for Global Mental Health Prof. Dr. Murphy Halliburton, The City University of New York (USA), Department of Anthropology 4130 (Südasien-Institut), |
Mittwoch | 17:00 | Resources on South Asia Elizaveta Ilves Online, |
Donnerstag | 11:15 | Home in My Bag Prof. Dr. Sasanka Perera, South Asian University, New Delhi (India), Department of Sociology Gebäude 4130, |