Tuesday | 01:00 PM | Ecopoetry as Method: Reading Gary Snyder as a Cultural Mediator between China and the World Prof. Dr. Winnie Yee, University of Hongkong (China), Comparative Literature Center for Asian and Transcultural Studies, CATS 010.01.05 |
02:00 PM | Living Legacy Unearthed • Dr. Margarete Prüch, Heidelberg University, Institute of East Asian Art History • Prof. Dr. Thomas O. Höllmann, University of Munich Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie, Hörsaal 01, Erdgeschoss | |
05:15 PM | Banking On Cord Blood: Amishi Panwar, Health Care Research, Bristol Medical School, CATS, Gebäude 4110, Raum 110.02.05 | |
06:00 PM | Kings as Founders of Stūpas and Monasteries in Early Āndhra Prof. Dr. Vincent Tournier, École française d'Extrême-Orient (Frankreich), Histoire et traditions textuelles du bouddhisme en Asie du Sud Karl Jaspers Centre, 212 | |
06:15 PM | Thoughts on the Relationship Between Apocalypse and Idyll in the Literature of the 'Little Ice Age' Dr. Joana van de Löcht, Fellow at the Joint Center for Advanced Studies “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective” Neue Universität, HS 14 |