Back to Events of Monday 11th December 2017


02:15 PM

Geospatial Visual Analytics Applications for Predictive Analysis:

Geoinformatik Kolloquium

Dr. Alexandra Diehl, Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Informatik und Informationswissenschaft, AG Keim - Datenanalyse und Visualisierung

In this talk, I will introduce my work in the area of Visual Analytics and Predictive Analytics with applications in Weather Forecasting and, more recently, in Social Media. When Predictive Analytics reaches its limits, Visual Analytics can help to recalibrate, change, and optimize models, and to validate results. Putting the user in the loop – the main goal of Visual Analytics – allows the analysts to inspect internal parts of predictive algorithms, such as regression models, and optimize them for a better fitting. I will present several design studies and contributions to this research area in the form of Multiple Coordinated View System and Visual Analytics workflows. My main goal for the ongoing and future projects is to overcome the limitations of automated Predictive Models using the experience and knowledge of the user.


Geographisches Institut


Im Neuenheimer Feld 348

69120 Heidelberg

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Geographisches Institut, Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

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Bettina Knorr