
02:00 PM

Two Cycles of Nation Building in Post-Colonial India

Two Cycles of Nation Building in Post Colonial India

From Osmosis to Symbiosis (1947 – 2014)

Prof. Dr. Anand Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Delhi (India)

Meeting Id: 812 5314 7896
Passcode: TheoryM21

In this lecture, Professor Anand Kumar interrogates the dynamics of nation building in India,which began with ‘unity in diversity’ as its explicit goal, focusing on the dynamics of a ‘double-movement’ —the two inter-related processes of ‘democratization from above’, and the making of ‘dominant caste’ politics as its reaction from below. Professor Kumar presents this narrative as two successive cycles of socio-economic and political transformations where the first cycle promoted osmosis through dominant party system (1947-1977) followed by a cycle of symbiosis through competition between the dominant castes (1977-2014). He concludes that this journey began with an awareness of cultivating the values of liberty, equality, justice, fraternity and unity through a transformational Constitution, but has generated both a ‘crisis of success’ (revolution of rising expectations) and a ‘crisis of failure’ (paradigm shift in favour of Liberalization-Privatization-Globalization [LPG]). India has evolved into a unique site of continuities and change —while the nature of challenges has altered substantially, reflecting major deficits of development, governance, legitimacy, democracy, ecology, nation building, and citizenship, all of which have serious consequences for the cycles of osmosis and symbiosis.

Streaming / Video URL; Meeting id:812 5314 7896, Passcode:TheoryM21



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