
18.00 Uhr

The Mahatma and the Media: M.K. Gandhi and the Art of Political Communication:

Guest Lecture

Dr. Chandrika Kaul, University of St. Andrews (Scotland), School of History

M.K. Gandhi, the political icon, is arguably the most recognisable Indian export of the modern age. The computer giant Apple recently featured him in its ‘Dare to be Different’ global advertising campaign. Marking the 150th anniversary of his birth in 2019, my lecture will assess the development of Gandhi’s relationship with and use of the media in a variety of domestic and international contexts. Gandhi’s public communication strategies will be analysed to help understand the nature of political influence in the mediated environment of the twentieth century and to reflect on what lessons this might hold for us today.

About the speaker:
Dr. Chandrika Kaul is Reader in Modern History at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. With a doctorate from the University of Oxford, Dr. Kaul is founding co-editor of the book series, Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media. Her monographs include Reporting the Raj, The British Press and India and Communications, Media and the Imperial Experience: Britain and India in the Twentieth Century. She has edited or co-edited several volumes including: Media and the British Empire; Explorations in Modern Indian History and the Media; International Communications and Global News Networks; News of the World and the British Press 1843–2011; and Media and the Portuguese Empire.


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