
02:15 PM

Processes in Branching Networks:

Modelling Structures in Plant Physiology and Blood Vessels in the Human Heart

Dr. Somporn Chuai-Aree, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand

Mathematical modelling and simulation of physiological processes in organs and organisms are confronted with the challenge that the processes take place in complex structures, often on branching networks. In this lecture we consider networks arising in plants (“trees”, root-systems, vessel systems in leaves) and in vascular systems - in particular in cardio vascular systems. We are going to focus on the following topics:

1. characterization of the arising complex networks and construction of a coding system, including the essential information required in real applications;
2. requirements for the data, methods for data collection and processing;
3. algorithms to solve the geometric inverse problem to determine from CT-data the geometry and the developed code of the underlying network;
4. presentation and discussion of results obtained in recent research at IWR for the blood vessel system for the human heart, based on real CT-data;
5. open problems, requirements from the applications.



Seminar Room 12 / 5th Floor

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205

69120 Heidelberg

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Prof. Willi Jäger