
17.30 Uhr

The End of The World as We Know it?:

Approche critique des modes de dénomination des expériences du contact appliquéesaux populations «noires»

Corinne Mencé-Caster, Sorbonne Université, Paris

How many ends of the world has humanity already experienced? How many times has cultural contact been seen as apocalyptic? Apocalyptic scenarios can evoke ruptures, endings of what was known. They also suggest ideas of redemption, salvation, the beginning of something greater. However, the word apocalypse comes from Ancient Greek and means “revelation”, “uncovering”, that is, the discovery of something new. This last perception opens a new perspective: to see the world with other eyes, not as we know it, and to open up possibilities to understand (post)apocalyptic scenarios as figures of thought that can unfold new imaginaries of contact. With this lecture series we aim to (re)understand cultural contact under these perceptions: are they ruptures, revelations, redemptions? In other words, are contacts apocalyptic?




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Romanisches Seminar der Universität Heidelberg

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Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'The End of The World as We Know it?':

Das zweitägigen Forum "The End of the Word as We Know it? Ruptures, Revelations, Redemptions: Apocalyptic Imaginaries of Contact" wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Käte Hamburger Kolleg für Apokalyptische und Postapokalyptische Studien von den Master-Studierenden des Romanischen Seminars organisiert. Studierende sowie Gastreferentinnen und Gastreferenten werden auf Französisch, Italienisch und Spanisch die apokalyptischen Darstellungen von Kontakt aus literatur- kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive beleuchten.

Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021, 18.30 Uhr

El Covid-19 y la actual crisis civilizatoria

Santiago Castro-Gómez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá

Freitag, 16. Juli 2021, 11.30 Uhr

Il doppio destino dell‘uomo nella cultura umanistica

Francesco Tateo, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari

Freitag, 16. Juli 2021, 17.30 Uhr

Approche critique des modes de dénomination des expériences du contact appliquéesaux populations «noires»

Corinne Mencé-Caster, Sorbonne Université, Paris